Sunday, July 17, 2016

Steubenville East 2016

Awesome music.  Christ-centered, challenging talks by great speakers.  Powerful prayer experiences at Mass and during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

And a little fun thrown into the mix!

This is the "Steubenville experience" which is available every July at the Steubenville East High School Youth Conference, and which helps to bring many, many teenagers from all over the Northeast to a deep (or deeper!) conversion to Jesus Christ and his Gospel. 

This year's theme was "I thirst," reminding us of our own conscious (or unconscious) thirst for God--and the Lord's "thirst" for us to invite him into our hearts and live our lives in an intimate, personal relationship with him.  Romans 5:8 was the verse mentioned often by the speakers.  There St. Paul tells us: "But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us."

Here are some photos from the weekend, courtesy of Sue DeSantis, Mark Mancini, MaryKay Lennon, Jack Carey, Angela Tafone, Darren Blier and Eileen Terranova (click on images to enlarge):